30 Wellness Coaching Outcomes
Balanced Attention
1) You divide your attention between different life domains.
Awareness of Investment
2) You know when you are paying too much/little attention to a given life domain.
Awareness of Emotional Experiences
3) You can tune in to what you are experiencing emotionally. You notice how your body reacts, which thoughts come up, and what you are most inclined to do.
Awareness of Feelings, Thoughts, and Actions
4) You are aware of how you feel, think, and act when you are using a particular strength.
Awareness of Emotional Consequences
5) You are aware of how your thoughts about your values influence your emotions and feelings about yourself.
Awareness of Action Tendencies
6) You know which action an emotion motivates you to take and can hold back this action when needed.
Awareness of Underlying Needs
7) You know what your emotions tell you about what you need most right now.
Awareness of Underlying Values
8) You know what your emotions tell you about what you consider important.
Acting With Awareness
9) When you are carrying out an action in life domain X, your attention is solely focused on that activity in the present moment.
Clear Idea of Personal Strengths
10) You know what your most important strengths are and can easily label and explain them.
Strength Lens
11) You can look at yourself and others through a strength lens. It’s easy for you to become aware of when you or others are using a strength
Stable Self-View
12) A confrontation with your weaknesses does not result in a drop in self-esteem, in the same way that a confrontation with your strengths does not result in feelings of superiority.
General Ability to Notice the Positive
13) In daily life, you can notice positive events, no matter how small or insignificant these events may seem.
Evaluation of Weaknesses
14) You evaluate your weaknesses rather than the self as a whole
Growth Mindset
15) You believe that weaknesses are aspects of yourself you can improve, rather than proof of unworthiness.
16) Because you believe that you can develop your strengths, you invest time and effort in doing so.
Process Oriented
17) You are more likely to be interested in the process of learning and developing strengths instead of achieving a particular outcome, such as gaining approval from others.
18) You persist when you experience setbacks in an area of strength because you think of setbacks as opportunities for improvement.
19) You can look beyond the negative and think of a past stressful event in terms of the positive effects that emerged from it.
20) You believe the cause of positive events will remain stable over time or across situations, whereas the cause of negative events will vary. You believe positivity will last and negativity will pass.
21) You believe you have what it takes to accomplish your goals.
Helpful Thoughts
22) Your thoughts help you continue when facing setbacks, forgive yourself for mistakes, and remind you of the importance of your goals.
Sufficient Life Domains
23) Not all your needs can be satisfied in a single life domain. There are enough life domains in your life to meet all of your needs.
Focus on Growth
24) Your main motivation for addressing your weaknesses is the genuinely felt drive to learn and develop yourself, rather than a need to be “good enough” or appear worthy in the eyes of others.
Low Quality of Alternatives
25) You believe there is no one or only a few people who can better meet your personal needs outside your current relationship.
26) You prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed by the large number of activities in life domain X by prioritizing your activities in this domain.
Clear Plan
27) You have planned short-term, concrete actions that are necessary to successfully accomplish your larger goals.
28) You realize that although you may not be able to change the situation itself, you can change the way you relate to the situation by changing how you think and feel about it.
Adaptive Coping
29) Rather than trying to control things that are, in fact, beyond your personal control, you focus on actions within your control.
Mindful Attention
30) You can listen mindfully to others, giving them your full undivided attention.