Important Wellness Reminders
1) Values remind us of the person we want to be. Focusing on values assists us in clearly understanding what matters most to us. Insight into our values can help us to make choices and (re)gain a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Values also provide a productive starting point for setting goals. When our goals reflect our values, they are more likely to increase commitment and increase our well-being once accomplished
2) Using your strengths is important for many reasons. In general, using strengths has been found to be associated with higher levels of well-being. When we use our strengths, we feel good. In the context of work, people who use their strengths more often report higher levels of work engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. A person who is using their strengths feels energized and engaged, like a boat that is sailing at full speed with the wind in its sails.
3) Remember, if we do not take care of our weaknesses, our well-being will likely decline. At the very extreme, neglected weaknesses can result in illness or even death (e.g., anorexia nervosa, suicide, reckless driving, etc.).
4) The effect of weaknesses on wellness is determined by their intensity and duration. The more intense the weakness is, the stronger the immediate impact it has on thoughts, feelings, and behavior. While some weaknesses reflect only a minor decrease in wellness, others are characterized by a significant decline in well-being. For example, drinking a little too much wine may result in a headache; drinking large amounts of wine may lead to alcohol poisoning. Importantly noted: it is not our weaknesses that directly affect our well-being, but the relationship we have with our weaknesses.
5) Remember both positive and negative life events allow us to become more resilient. Negative life events offer us opportunities to learn how to deal with them. By overcoming difficult events, we strengthen the important belief that we are strong enough to deal with life’s challenges. Additionally, the positive emotions that result from positive life events act as a buffer against the stress we experience during negative events.
6) Interacting with others can enhance wellness in numerous ways. For example, other people in our social network can help us to realize our aspirations, serve as a source of inspiration, and offer support in difficult times. Spending time with those in our positive social network results in positive emotions and helps us to meet our innate need for relatedness.